Monday, April 18, 2011

Insert Quirky-Catchy Title Here

As you can see I can't really come up with a catchy title today. I am just writing because I am wondering about some things. And I am thinking maybe somebody who reads this may have an answer.

As always, this isn't meant to call anyone out or make anyone mad.

I have worked very and I mean very hard on the website for the study about autism that I have done, but still have had no one participate at all. No one has asked any questions about it, no feedback, nada, zilch.

As a member of the autism community I thought it was my duty to start something that I thought would be a positive thing. Something that wasn't biased, but trying to understand if there is a common demoninator between families that are affected by autism. But I guess, I am not popular enough, or haven't the name to get anyone to notice, no matter what I do. Oh well, I will still try.

In case you are wondering about the website or study here you go:

Another thing that has really gotten to me is the fact of the children's story contest. I guess there are no children who like to draw anymore, because like the study, there hasn't been anything on that.

I hate to say it, with all of my friends that have children you would have thought that the books would be finished and published by now. Not only are the pictures going to be in every book, but 20% of each sale will go to the kids, or a charity of their choice, (split between the children that are published).

And the contest page:

So you would think, something would have happened with that , but again nothing. I am really starting to feel as if there is nothing that I can do that will ever get the time of day from anyone, oh well. At least I know that now and will give up yet another dream.

So that is all for today. Thanks for listening to my rant.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Vaccine Debate and the Art of Bullying

Today is a bit of a snarky day for me, so I am sorry in advance for anyone I may or may not offend.

So here goes today's blog.

Pro-vaccine people and also anti-vaccine, (I know quite a few and most are very very wonderful people), Stop the name calling please.

I personally am a holding off vaccines until at least the age of two, and then only get one at a time. Am I wrong in that? Not for myself and my family.

My eldest daughter has autism, and yes, I do feel that the vaccines has something to do with it. (She had alot of allergies as a baby, and even so was given her shots.)

So I feel I am right in holding off my youngest daughter's shots. That and the fact that I have done a lot of research on the subject, and don't feel that a baby needs that much put into their systems at such a young age.

So that leads me to the pro-vaccine people. Yes, I know there have been numerous reports stating the MMR doesn't cause autism, (in most cases). And I have no problem with that. But what I and most other, (I guess you would call me anti-vaccine) want to know is the effects of all of the shots combined are, and why do you have to have so many shots.

If you look at your own shot chart from a kid, you'll see quite a few less. Now why is that? That is really the question.

Okay onto the name calling. Why call names to people who are just questioning vaccines. These are some of the only reasons I can come up with, (if there are more please let me know,)

A) Because you are afraid that without my child being vaccinated, she will infect your child. (Okay, but my problem with that answer is, if your child is vaccinated, then you wouldn't pick anything up from mine.)

B) Oh, the vaccine only covers certain strands of the diseases. (Okay, so you may pick it up from my child, but then again if my child was vaccinated she still would have picked up the disease.)

C) That if it's proven that in some children vaccinations lead to a regression in this instance autism that you will question whether they did in your child. (Okay, this is a very valid point, but if they are proven, it wouldn't be your fault. You aren't the one who gave your child the shot, and told you they were safe.)

D) Okay I can't come up with another point, but you get my drift.

I understand your view on these things, I just tend to disagree.

If there are tests done on each of the shots singularly and combined that show there is without a doubt no instances where they may cause autism or any other neurological or physical problems, I will change my stance on the vaccines. Until then, we each have our own opinions.

And this is where the bullying comes in on both sides. There are those who believe their view is the only right one, and everyone else's is wrong. Really? Aren't we all adults here? Aren't we trying to teach our children that being a bully is wrong?

I know not everyone can get along, but we are an Autism Community, and we all should be working to figuring out the problem, not starting other problems.

That is all.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Riddle me this Riddle me that

Oh yes, once again I hit up my blog, woohoo go me. Okay enough of that, here is today's topic.


Lately I have noticed a growing trend on my twitter and facebook of those who are tired of research on autism and think that it needs to stop in order for the kids who are dealing with it now to get more help.

Okay that is understandable, I would give up both my legs and arms for Kenz to have more....but....

Here is where I tend to think parents are forgetting the big picture. (Nothing against this way of thinking at all, seriously.)

The big picture meaning, without research into the causes of autism there can be no forward thinking therapies developed. Without research into the cause of autism, the way to fix the problem, (i.e. the growing numbers) will never be discovered.

Maybe I am by myself in this thought: If they were to discover some form of surgery, or vitamins, or the like that would fix Kenz would I do it? Oh yes, yes I would in a heartbeat. I know this sounds like I don't love my child for who she is, but I do. She normally, (on her very good days) a very sweet child, and makes the sun shine brighter when she smiles and laughs. But, and this is a big one, she isn't happy. As a barely communicative child, we have the meltdowns, the attacks on herself and me and my husband, the screaming, the biting, headbutting, throwing herself off of things, etc. So yes, if I could change that and get her to the point of enjoying life at the fullest, (having friends, enjoying movies, even just hanging out with the family, school activities, etc.) oh you darn well know I would.

So those of you who think money should be removed from research, great, I hope that your children are much better than mine. Cause I want those answers so future generations don't have to have the problems we are facing.

I love my daughter and who she is: a great big ball of energy, and a very goofy kid.

So for those of you who do want the research: (shameless plug here!) go to our research project's web page and help out.

Sorry if I offended or made anyone angry with this post, I am just stating what I am thinking.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What about this?

My Grandmother for Christmas bought me the book "Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic" by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill.
So far I have made it through 33 pages of it. It's an awesome read so far. For anyone interested in the developement of medicine throughout the ages. If it has "an agenda" I am not seeing anything more than trying to inform people of what has been done to our ancestors and our planet. So I do recommend it for everyone who has any interest in the world at large.

That being said, today's blog is based around a question that while reading this book formed in my mind.

If the numbers of autism have increased so much in the past twenty years, maybe it's something that was done to my generation. Poor generation X'ers. Think about it, we are now becoming parents or have been in the past ten years. What was given to us, (and yes this does include mercury and thimerosal in our shots) and what about the other things we have put in our bodies, or the jobs we have done. I know I worked with fuels for almost six years, JP-8 to be specific. (I'll let you look it up, nasty stuff), I have had the anthrax shot, and whatever else they gave us in the military, (I would have to look at my shot records), I was on the depo shot. So think about it. Could anyone of these things, let alone together have set me up for an autistic child?

Maybe, I think it's a good thing to look at though. I guess the saying is true, what we put into our bodies now, can really hurt us in the future.

Another point I am going to make is that besides Autism, look at all the allergies out there in kids. When I was a kid we never had anyone with killer peanut or perfume allergies. I don't think I ever even know someone with it. Now, Kenz' school is a peanut/perfume free zone. Also, celiac or chrohn's disease can be included in this. 10 years ago it was almost unheard of; but now.....

Something is going on. Research is definitely needed in this department.

Yes I know that they are "supposedly" finding mutated genes for autism in the DNA strand, but nevertheless, where are those genes coming from? Something in my generations.

So basically I believe that there needs to be a study done on all of the parents of Autistic children to see if there is a common denominator.

We really need to have someone unbiased set up a census bureau for families on the spectrum. If we are ever going to find the answer to why, (which in the long run will find the answer to stop it, and help those who have it now), we need to all work together.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Special Needs doesn't mean non-verbal Autism

So we were given the opportunity to be a part of a "Special Needs" dance class recently. It all seems like a great idea for McKenzie. Yes well, it should have been an awesome experience for her, because she is such a music lover and dancer.

So according to the owner of the dance studio, (I will not say names; but if you live in the Ontario area and want to know, just ask me), this was a class for all special needs where there would be a helper for each child. They wanted to have the children learn the basics of ballet. Sounds great right???

Well, for the first couple of weeks we had a young girl helper for McKenzie. But I think if you know McKenzie, well let's say dance structured class for 45 minutes made her a bit restless. This class really was taught exactly how a normal dance class would be taught. No free dance, just floor stretching, and pointing, and lining up in front of the mirrors to do the positions. Sounds like fun right?

Well, Kenz did have fun, but she would get a bit distracted and start running around the room. Which would have been fine in a class actually made for special needs kids, but a definite no no in this one.

So by the time the third week rolled around she didn't have a helper. There were two children who had something wrong with their legs, (one used a walker and the other a leg board), which was awesome to see them working hard in the class, but Kenz' helper was moved over to them, giving them two helpers a piece. Don't get me started about the time I came home in tears, because when Kenz was being herself and goofing around, these two kids mothers were whispering to each other and staring down Kenz; shaking their heads and giving the condescending look at me. (Might be my imagination like everyone seems to think, but I don't think so.)

Sometimes the teacher would work with Kenzie, but for the most part it was me. Even though I was never asked to be her helper, which I would never had had a problem with helping her considering I took years and years of dance as a child. But on the other hand, she was suppose to have a helper.

Whatever, I overlooked this because she seemed to really like this class. But then they started to cancel classes, (which right now I am wondering if they just cancelled for her; you'll see why in a moment).

Then a couple of weeks ago, we go to class, and the teacher is working somewhat with Mckenzie, (even though there is another helper just sitting on a chair in the back of the room, because her kid wasn't there.) So the teacher has the kids start working on their Christmas concert routine. Wait what? What Christmas concert? We were never told about it, and had never worked on anything. As I said above, was this because they cancelled McKenzie's class, but not anyone else's. Or did they just fail to tell me about it? Either way, makes you think that they didn't want her involved with it.

So during this class, Kenz starts to run around again, and the teacher actually asks me to help, because she has to watch the rest of the class. Wow really? Even though there is another helper just sitting? Okay, sure. But of course she gets away from me, and the teacher grabs her from around the back leaning over her head....and bounce. Kenz, not on purpose, jumps and hits the teacher's chin.

Well, we all know it was an accident, but............

Dear Lana

It is with sincere regret that I have to ask you to withdraw MacKenzie from the class.
Our volunteers are just young kids and are not able to provide the help that MacKenzie needs.
As I have to supervise the entire class I am not able to spend the necessary time with MacKenzie.
She is very sweet and I know that she responds well to me and I wish I could have been of more help to her and yourself.
I am hoping that there is another program that will meet MacKenzie's needs better than ours could offer.
I wish you all the best,



Two classes left is all we had, but I got this after she bonked the teacher, that was the only difference this week. So give me your opinions. Kenz was the only autistic child in the class that I know of. But I really think she got the short end of the stick, because she doesn't talk, and the class was not structured in a way she could work with. And she is just different.

I don't know, I am still a little mad about it, because it was an accident. So like I said I won't say the name of the studio, but if any parent wants a dance class for their special needs child or even their neurotypical child, I will never recommend this place. Never ever ever.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My say about shots

Eek, am I actually going to write my feelings about autism and shots?

I am today, not sure why I feel today is the day to have my say, and I do believe I will probably make some people mad, or maybe not, who knows.

So to start, do I think that McKenzie's shots gave her autism? Yes and no. I know not a black and white answer; but really autism is not a black and white thing.

I believe that like some children with autism, McKenzie was prone to it, and something within the shots got the ball rolling; or moreso the domino effect going. Many of you may say it is just coincendence that it happened around the same time, and that is your opinion, but to see a happy, talking neurotypical child go from one day being just that, to the next, not speaking at all, violent, unhappy, well there has to be something to it at least with my case.

I also believe that some are born with it in their genes.

But then again, those children probably have an enviromental factor into it too. Think about it: the pollution in everything, what we are eating, what parents have taken in their lives (i.e. shots or other things).

Things like some of the shots they are giving are not tested long term. I know I had the anthrax shot while in the military and they said it was safe, but tell you what when my cartalage in my joints is deteriating (which is one of the side-effects), and they still say it's safe and has nothing to do with the shot; well, I tend to think they are wrong.

We all know our bodies better than anyone, so listen to your body.

All I can really say is please stay well informed. Check into the shots before you get them for yourselves or your children. Trust your gut instincts.

Question everything, like really what sense does it make to put more than one vaccine into a single shot. It takes at least two weeks for the body to get over the effects of one; but they are now putting 6 into 1. Something is a little off for me.

Think about it; business speaking that would be the most cost effective way to do things, i.e. save money and time. But what about the kiddos? Isn't it a bit much to put into a small child's body? I wouldn't put it in my body in one dose, would you?

Lastly, I am not against vaccinations, and Ryleigh will be vaccinated, but not until she is two; when her immune system is fully matured. Also she will only be given one shot at a time, and even then only the ones that she needs, not the flu shot or things of that nature.

So in closing, please do not just listen to the doctors, or people in the medical field, listen to yourself and always ask for the paperwork on the shot. Be informed. But also, try and do right for the earth, cause in the long run that is what is making it an unfit place for our kiddos.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Today is brought to you by the Letter S

That stands for Sick.

Well, it's that time of year again. Where the weather starts to grow cold, the leaves are off the trees, and rain that won't stop.

And of course cold season. McKenzie has one. Cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze, and a small fever. Lovely.

Of course the rest of us will get it too. Blah.

Worse thing about McKenzie being sick....she refuses to take anything for it. No medicine will ever go through her lips, unless you hold her down and quickly squirt it into her mouth, while holding her mouth shut; otherwise she will spit it right back out at you. Believe me it isn't a pretty sight. My poor ceiling had blood looking liquid dripping from it last time she was sick.

Also she won't ever sit still long enough to get well. So that drink lots of liquids and rest; yes well, ahem. No way.

The eating soup or anything that would make her feel better, yeah right. No soup, no tea, no nothing. Poor kid.

So that just makes the cold always last longer. Just means for a whinning, coughing, sneezing, hyper child for about a week. Fun times.

Feel free to let me know your tricks. I would love to have something more up my sleeve.